What I did today: The Trouble with Tribbles

A strange thing happened the other evening. We got back from a quick trip to the shops and there was a ball of black hair on the lawn.

My husband pointed towards it, said “Tribble!” and promptly forgot all about it.

I, however, brooded over and worried about this mysterious object all that evening and most of the following day.

I found myself going to the window to check if it was still there and, at one point, made an excuse not to take out the rubbish as I didn’t want to have to go past the ball of hair that was now bouncing lightly around the lawn in the evening breeze.

Where had it come from? When I was a child someone had an ancient armchair from which the stuffing was gradually escaping. The stuffing looked like hair and I used to think that a woman with long black hair had been stuffed into the chair.

Maybe the ball of hair on the lawn was stuffing out of an old chair. Who had carefully rolled it into a ball though and why had they placed it on our lawn?

By the next morning the ball of hair had disappeared. Did someone come and retrieve it during the night?

I wondered and worried about the significance of the sudden appearance and then disappearance of a ball of hair on the lawn most of yesterday and, as a result, forgot it was Earth Day* which I was going to blog about.

I finally mentioned what had become unmentionable in our house and my husband said “It was fur from next door’s poodle. I saw them brushing it in the back garden.”

* I felt bad that I was distracted by a ball of black hair and forgot Earth Day so I planted a witch hazel.

What I did today: Party Plan

In the middle of a conversation with my brother yesterday he asked me if you could still buy Arctic Roll. I don’t know the answer to that question but I hope it’s “yes”.

It did get me thinking about a 70s themed buffet party. Who knows when it will happen but for me the best thing about a party is the plan.

I’m not really into fancy dress but you would have to have a heart of stone to turn away anyone who turned up in baggy flares and a star jumper.

So thinking about food and drink I guess people were made of tougher stuff in the 70s and could cope with chowing down half -cooked sausages in pigs in blankets, double-dipping into bowls of crisps and cheesy Wotsits and knocking back weapons-grade punch.

I’m thinking anything and everything on sticks, vol au vents, celery bites filled with cream cheese, devilled eggs, Ritz crackers topped with piped cream cheese and, providing some method of self- control re: double-dipping can be exercised, bowls of crisps and snacks.

To finish? Cheese, celery, grapes and more Ritz crackers, Black Forest Gateau and hopefully Arctic Roll and a couple of Bird’s Trifles.

A vintage soda-stream will provide the cream soda and cherryade but guests will also be able to enjoy snowballs and sample a range of cocktails with Blue Curaçao, Grenadine or Galliano as their base.

If ever there was a reason to look forward to the end of lockdown surely this is it!

What I did today: Fairy Lights

I made a fairy jar lantern and it made me think about the vessels we use to hold and nurture light so that it always looks its best. I love lamps and lanterns and I always think of the phrase “naked light” and how we “dress” light to make it even more beautiful.

I’m a bit over candles at the minute. Maybe because summer is on its way but also because they can end up looking a bit messy. I have two green glass lanterns that used to contain candles but I wanted to do something different with them. I experimented with a few different ideas but, in the end, made them into fairy light lanterns.

Nothing though can compare with the ornate beauty of a Victorian oil lamp. Shapely as a corseted female form.

What I did today: Green Magic

we often take a short break in Haworth in North Yorkshire. It has some amazing shops and I always find something interesting to buy.
Last year there was a wood carving shop (sadly no longer there).

I bought a carving of a Green Man and he now has his place watching over the stream that runs through our garden. I let nettles run a bit wild there and plan to make some nettle beer with them later in the summer. There is also lemon balm that has escaped its pot.

On our last trip to Haworth I bought a book on Green Magic. It has some interesting recipes for flower and berry cordials and I will definitely be experimenting with those.

So today I spent some time in the garden marvelling that, while we humans are currently at a standstill, the garden is growing and thriving with busy insects and a visiting hedgehog. I also think I’ve located the perfect spot for a beehive.

“The Golden Girls” is 35 years old! It is rapidly acquiring cult status thanks to Instagram accounts such as Golden Girls Daily. Sophia’s comfy cardies have never seemed more appropriate!

What I did today: Glow Bowl

I made a veggie glow bowl. I got the recipe from a great foodie blog, apinchofyum.com. I added feta cheese but you could leave this out if you want to make it vegan. There is an interesting looking recipe for no – knead bread on there. As soon as I can get hold of some yeast I will give it a try.

What made it extra special was a drizzle of Hot Ginger Sauce. I bought this amazing stuff from a colleague of mine. She makes and sells a range of chutneys, sauces and jams and they are seriously out of this world!!!

I planted three gooseberry bushes in my garden this winter. I am already looking for interesting recipes for what I’m hoping will be a bumper crop. Gooseberry and Elderflower cordial might be good but I have got an idea for a gooseberry flavoured gin. Watch this space!!

What I did today: Summerhouse

It’s been forever since I last updated this blog. Since my last post I have built a summer house (well my husband built it I painted it!)

Before we started I did loads of research. I wanted the interior to look a bit beach hut, but also the kind of room where pre-loved and still-loved items can find a forever home.

I found an old Victorian wrought iron cot on eBay which my husband converted into a day bed, made a table from a vintage singer sewing table frame and chose pale, seaside colours for the paintwork. I used paint from the Cuprinol Shades range.  I also found “Shed Decor” by Sally Coulthard a great source of inspiration.

I found a vintage light shade and paraffin stove, also on eBay, and added bunting and outdoor festoon lights.

It’s the perfect place to work from while we are on lockdown!!!

What I did today: Cocktail Party

My new stair carpet was finally fitted today. I am still at work so can’t wait to see it when I get home. The dining room is all done now and looks lovely. I am having a cocktail party this weekend to celebrate. the plan is to serve Mojitos and Margaritas.

I bought a book on making homemade sweets from a company called The Book People. I do like baking and making sweets but sometimes the list of ingredients is so complicated it puts me off. Some of the recipes in the book are very retro; coconut ice, peanut brittle, pear drops and seafoam candy. I don’t know which to try first!!

What I did today: Cocktail Cabinet

I finally got everything back in my cocktail cabinet today. I feel relieved because I have some very fragile old glasses I keep in there and I was scared they would get broken while they were packed away. Anyway everything survived intact. I am still on the lookout for a strainer though.

I finished “The Daylight Gate”. It is a fascinating take on the Pendle Witches story but so disturbing in places that it has given me nightmares. I think I will go back to Somerset Maugham!



What I did today The Demeter

I am starting to put the finishing touches to my dining room. I have just hung a picture that we bought in Whitby. The picture is by a local artist, John Freeman. “The Wreck of the Dimitry of Narva” is a depiction of a real life wreck which was reported in The Whitby Gazette in 1887. Apparently the report inspired Bram Stoker as he was writing “Dracula” and he renamed the ship “The Demeter of Varna” as the vessel that brought Dracula to Whitby. I really like the colours of the picture and it looks great in the room.

